Distance Learning Programme
Our Distance Learning Programme (DLP) is registered with the Department of Higher Education and Training and is at the National Qualifications Framework exit level 7. The DLP mirrors the full-time programme, but can be completed over a longer period of time. We make use of a learning management platform (Canvas) to offer our courses. This programme is suitable for those wanting to enter pastoral ministry, missions or other Christian based ministries. It will equip those who wish to teach and lead others in their walk with Christ, as well as how to effectively share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with those who do not know him.
This programme not only equips students for ministry or everyday life, but also prepares them for postgraduate studies, should they wish to further their education in Theology.
What are the entrance requirements?
The entrance requirement for the Bachelor of Theology (DLP) Programme is a National Senior Certificate (NSC) with a matriculation exemption. For students who completed their NSC prior to 2008, or who are 45 years and older, other rules may apply. Students with foreign secondary school qualifications will be required to obtain an exemption from Universities South Africa (USAF).
What are the Fees for this programme?
Go to our fees page here
Frequently asked questions
How long does it take DLP students to complete the BTh?
The DLP and the BTh residential curriculums are identical. While the residential students complete the degree over a period of three years full-time study, the DLP Student will usually do it over a longer period of time. DLP students must determine how many courses they can manage in a semester (a semester is two terms or six months) and we advise students to begin with one or two courses to see how they can best manage their workload.
Depending on the pace of the student it may take between six to eight years, but this is merely a guideline. A student may elect to fast track their course or even finish off their degree by studying one semester full-time on campus.
Do I need to buy text books?
Students will need to buy text books for some of the courses. Many of these books will be used for more than one course over their course of study. BISA will try to provide students with readers and scans of books where copyright is not violated. It is important that students set aside and budget for required reading.
Students will have access to the Logos Remote Research Library which has high quality books, journals and commentaries.
How do I write exams?
Students who live in Cape Town may write their exams at the BISA Campus according to the exam timetable.
For those students who are not able to write at the campus an invigilator will need to invigilate on our behalf. This person would need to be from your church (pastor, elder, secretary). These exams are also written according to the exam timetable.
Who is this programme designed for?
The DLP is particularly suitable for those already in full-time employment, yet who desire to grow in the knowledge of the Lord and His Word and to serve Him more effectively. The programme is identical to the BTh programme offered on campus, although it will be studied over a period longer than three years. Distance learning means that the student will study off-campus in his/her own time. It is ideal for working men and women who have the tenacity to self-study.
This is an accredited degree course and a mature level of self discipline in studying must be applied by the student.
Does the programme run throughout the year?
What subjects will I study?
Old Testament,
New Testament,
Biblical Languages,
Systematic Theology,
Applied Theology and
Mission & History.
How many hours do I need to set aside each week for my studies?
- This will depend on the credit rating of the course that you are taking as well as the number of courses that you are taking simultaneously.
- For a course with a 2 credit rating you will need to spend at least 6 hours per week,
- For a course with a 3 credit rating you will need to spend at least 9 hours per week
- For a course with a 4 credit rating you will need to spend at least 12 hours per week
This is a guideline and will depend on the student. The DLP coordinator will be there to advise you.
How do I submit assignments?
BISA makes use of an online learning management system, BISA Online, and students will submit assignment and quizzes online. Course material will also be posted on BISA Online. Students will need to have access to the internet and a device preferably a laptop or desktop. If for any reason you are not able to submit your assignment on time please contact your lecturer/marker and inform them.
Do I need to attend any courses at the college?
DLP students are not required to attend any courses at the college. If they are able to and would like to, we offer an evening class on a Monday night from 19:00 to 20:45. The courses vary each semester. If you would like further information on these please contact the college. Students will pay the residential fees for an evening class.
Who are my lecturers?
Your lecturers are generally to be found in college, teaching the BTh courses. They have specifically modified the material to enable you to study off campus and achieve a clarity of understanding commensurate with your on-campus peers.
Names and biographies of lecturers and examiners for the BTh contact mode are found here >> STAFF
How do I apply?
Prospective students will need to complete their application forms together with the required documentation as stipulated in the email.
Prospective students will need to be in good standing with their church and be actively involved in their church or a para-church organisation.
Students are required to pay an application fee when they submit their application; this fee is non-refundable.
Download forms:
View the full Distance Learning BTh curriculum:
Contact details
To apply please contact the DLP coordinator – address below
or call us if your would like to arrange a visit to discuss your study needs
email: distance@bisa.org.za
tel: +27 21 7884116