Bible Institute of South Africa faculty and staff
Dr Daniel Simango
More about Daniel Simango
Dr Daniel Simango has a Licentiate in Theology (LTh) from the Bible Institute of South Africa (2000), a BA in Theology (cum laude), a BA Honours in Theology from Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education (2002), and a MA in Old Testament from North West University (2006) followed by a PhD in Old Testament from North-West University (2011). Dr Simango has many years of Christian ministry experience. He served as a pastor of United Baptist Church in Zimbabwe for a number of years. He served as Academic Dean at Rusitu Bible College (RBC) in Zimbabwe.He also served as registrar and lecturer at Harare Theological College (HTC) in Harare for several years. Dr Simango served as a part-time lecturer at the Bible Institute of South Africa for two years. He also served as a part-time lecturer at George Whitefield College (GWC) for three years. In 2010, the Bible Institute of South Africa Board of Directors appointed Dr Simango as a full-time Old Testament lecturer and they appointed him Principal of the college in 2014. Since then, Dr Simango serves as the Principal and he also lectures Old Testament and Hebrew courses to the undergraduate students. Since 2014, Dr Simango has served as Extraordinary Researcher in the Unit for Reformed Theology and Development of the SA Society at the Potchefstroom Campus of the North-West University. He has had a number of articles published in local peer-reviewed Old Testament Academic Journals. He supervises and examines North-West University (NWU) post-graduate students in Old Testament studies.He also serves as an elder at Kalk Bay Community Church. Dr Simango is married to Patience and they have two children.
Rev Gideon Beukes
More about Gideon Beukes
For the past 30 years Gideon and Madel have been blessed to be in ministry – to know Christ and to make Him known. Their journey in missions began in the mountain kingdom of Lesotho in a village called Mphaki, where Gideon pastored a Sesotho-speaking congregation, and reached out to one of the least evangelised people groups in Africa, the Basotho shepherds. Madel, a mathematics teacher, taught at a local high school, and loved interacting with the women of the area. Living among, and learning from the Basotho and Xhosa believers, was one of the most enriching and eye opening experiences of their lives. In 2001 Gideon furthered his theological studies in the USA, and in 2004 was appointed as lecturer at the Bible Institute of South Africa (BISA) in Kalk Bay, where he currently serves as Vice-Principal. In 2018 another exciting door opened when Gideon was asked to pastor Scarborough Community Church (SCC). Madel enjoys serving alongside him, and together with the people of God they purpose to know Jesus Christ and make Him known, for His glory. They have three adult children and four grandchildren who all live in the Fish Hoek area. Oscar the family dog keeps them fit by taking them on regular walks in the beautiful surrounds. A verse that never ceases to encourage them is Psalm 37:4, “Delight yourself in the LORD, and He will give you the desires of your heart.”
Ms Lorna Bucklow
More about Lorna Bucklow
Lorna graduated from BISA after a twenty-year career in Financial Management. She teaches the Academic Literacy Course, Women in Ministry as well as serving as BISA’s Registrar, handling all enrolment and study applications. Lorna’s great interest is discipling and mentoring women of all ages and cultures, within a framework of Biblical based counselling. Her interests are reading, especially WW2 history, Tolkien and the Russian classics, and craftwork and beading.
Dr Chris Warton
More about Chris Warton
Rev Shaun Hurrie
More about Shaun Hurrie
Mr Timothy Galage
More about Timothy Galage
Tim, from New York State, became a Christian in his first year of college. After he and Therese were married he attended Trinity Evangelical Divinity school. Tim served as a minister of Christian education in a local church before returning to business where he worked in commercial banking for 20 years. He was involved in Church leadership for 20 years in Richmond, Virginia. He and Therese developed a burden for equipping leaders and to prepare himself Tim pursued a master of theology at Covenant Theological Seminary in St Louis, Missouri. As well as lecturing at the Bible Institute Tim will mentor leaders at various theological institutions in the greater Cape Town area. Tim and Therese serve in SA with Mission to the World. They have two adult daughters, Stephanie and Becky
Rev Sizwe Maseti
More about Sizwe Maseti
Dr Peter Smuts
More about Peter Smuts
Dr Peter Smuts graduated with a BA.LLB degree from the University of Cape Town, a Dip.Theol from the Bible Institute of South Africa, a Master of Arts in Religion from Westminster Seminary California, and a PhD from Westminster Seminary in Philadelphia. His doctoral dissertation was based on a study of Luke 21. Dr Smuts has been admitted to practice law as both an Attorney and Advocate of the Supreme Court of South Africa. He has, however, not been active in the legal profession since 1985. He has many years of Christian ministry experience particularly in the area of theological education in which he has filled a number of leadership positions. He functioned as the Acting Rector of St. Paul’s REACHSA in Stellenbosch for a number of months and held the position of Adjunct Faculty at John Wycliffe Theological College in Gauteng for several years. He was a member of the Executive Committee and Council of ACTEA (The Association for Christian Theological Education in Africa) from 2013-2016. He is currently a certified assessor for ACTEA accreditation. His teaching and preaching ministry extends beyond the campus and borders of South Africa. He joined the Faculty of the Bible Institute of South Africa in July 1996. Since that time he has held a variety of administrative and academic positions at the college including Dean of Students, Dean of Graduate Studies, Vice Principal, Acting Academic Dean and Acting Principal. He teaches New Testament Interpretation, Homiletics, New Testament Greek and Biblical Theology. He has had a number of articles published in a local theological journal and is the author of Mark by the Book: A New Multidirectional Method For Understanding the Synoptic Gospels (P&R, 2013). He is also a contributor to the Africa Study Bible (Oasis International, 2017) and The Spiritual Growth Bible (Christian Art Publishers, 2021). Dr. Smuts is married to Dagmar, and they have a son, three daughters and five grandchildren
Rev Sivuyile Lurai
More about Sivuyile Lurai
Rev Sivuyile Lurai was born in the Eastern Cape but grew up in Cape Town. He holds A National Diploma in Food Technology from CPUT, which was followed up by 4 years of working as an R&D technician and later on as a Quality Assurance Officer.
He is past BI student, where he studied Theology [B.Th. & Honours]. And he completed his MTh at GWC, in New Testament. He has been serving as a pastor in Langa for 9 years. He is married to Nokwanda and they have 2 children.
Rev Brian Marimira
More about Brian Marimira
Brian Marimira was born and raised in the western part of Zimbabwe in Mutoko. Before moving to South Africa he worked for the Zimbabwe Prison Service. Brian is an ordained Elder of the United Methodist Church working with the youth in the Western Cape. He did his BTh at BISA in 2016 followed by Honours at South African Theological Seminary (2018). Brian is Currently enrolled at SATS for a MTh in Practical Theology. He teaches Christian Ethics 2 at the Bible Institute of South Africa. He is married to Prestige and they have three children, two boys and a girl.
Dr Karl Peterson
More about Karl Peterson
After studying Bible at Emmaus Bible College (Chicago, USA) Karl studied geology, physics and computer science at the University of Colorado (Boulder). He received his Master of Divinity from Westminster Theological Seminary (Philadelphia) and Doctor of Ministry in Urban Missions, also from Westminster.
Karl served on pastoral staff of a Christian Brethren church in Philadelphia before moving to Mozambique in 1995. The Petersons served an indigenous denomination in Mozambique until 2011 – church planting and directing the Centre for Theological Education in Maputo. Karl served as Mozambique Coordinator for Editora Fiel (Brazil) and Regional Director for the Emmaus Correspondence School in Mozambique. Karl has been a local organizer for the African Pastors Conference ministry in Mpumalanga and Swaziland, a conference and literature ministry which seeks to equip undertrained pastors in southern African townships.
In 2003 the Petersons moved to Barberton, Mpumalanga from where they carried out their work in Mozambique and pastored the Barberton Community Baptist Church. Karl began teaching at the Bible Institute of South Africa in Kalk Bay in 2012. His wife, Glynn, worked as paediatric surgical nurse at the Children’s Hospital in Seattle (USA) and has mission experience in Ecuador, South America.
Karl and Glynn have six children and serve under Christian Missions in Many Lands (USA).
Dr James Krohn
More about JB Krohn
Dr Greg Cook
More about Greg Cook
Dr Greg Cook has been associate pastor at Christ Chapel Bible church, Fort Worth Texas since 1995 and the founder and director of Soul Care since 2004.
He graduated with a Doctor of Ministry from Westminster Theological Seminary in Pastoral Counselling, Masters in Counselling from Amberton University, and Master of Arts in Biblical Studies at Dallas Theological Seminary.
Greg is married to Nancy and they have three daughters.
Mr Graham Naude
DLP Faculty
More about Graham Naude
Mr Graham Naudé studied at BISA from 1970 to 1972 and during that time grew to love the Old Testament. Through the years his love for the study of the Old Testament has grown more and more. Soon after finishing at BISA he and his wife, Michelle, became involved in theological education in East Africa. The Lord gave them opportunities to serve in rural western Kenya (for 15 years), in Windhoek (Namibia, for 16 years) and in Cape Town for 8 years (at George Whitefield College where he served as Librarian). The Lord has blessed them abundantly and they are grateful to Him for the privilege of serving in three theological colleges that are very different from each other.
Mr Rob Huffstedtler
DLP Faculty
More about Rob Huffstedtler
Mr Rob Huffstedtler currently assists in our Distance Learning Program teaching in the Systematic Theology and Ethics subjects.
Dr Peter Manzanga
DLP Faculty
More about Peter Manzanga
Dr Peter Manzanga (Dip. in Biblical Studies, BA.Th., BA. Hons., MA. NT., PhD) is a Senior Lecturer and Programme Manager at Mukhanyo Theological College (MTC). He is a former lecturer and principal of Rusitu Bible College for many years. He later pastored Hatfield United Baptist Church in Harare. Dr Manzanga has also taught modules at Harare Theological College and Mukhanyo Theological College in South Africa before and joined MTC full-time in May 2017. He is married to Alice and are blessed with three girls and three boys.
Mr David Taylor
More about David Taylor
David Taylor teaches the online Untangled Business as Missions Core Course. David and his wife were missionaries in Malawi for thirty years and involved in setting up businesses there for 15 years. They are now based in Nottingham, UK and their role is to equip people with Biblical convictions regarding money and wealth. David holds BA (hons) MBA degrees.
Ms Cynthia Human
More about Cynthia Human
Mr Brett Saunders
More about Brett Saunders
Ms Hannah Phillips
More about Hannah Phillips
Hannah works at BISA in the role of Library Administrative assistant.
Ms Elizabeth Malamulo
More about Elizabeth
Roxton and Residences head cook.
BISA honours her essential workers for their invaluable service to Staff and Students.
Mr Louis Barry
More about Louis Barry
Louis Barry has BComm in IT and Economics from North West University and BTh and LTh from the Bible Institute of South Africa. He is the managing director of Educative Tech; the company which assists BISA and other Bible-based institutions with their online educational technology. He also has experience in church based vocational ministry. He is married to Fébé and has three children.
Mr Gibson Tshikini
More about Gibson Tshikini
BISA honours these valued workers whose service to the college is essential for its smooth running.