BISA Fee Structure
- How to pay
- Payment Plan
- BTh & Gap Year
- BTh Distance
- Christian Leadership Programme
- First-World Country Policy
- Ministry Discount
Payments may be made to the College in the form of Cheque, electronic transfer or direct deposit. Please note that BISA does not have Credit Card facilities.
Cash payments are accepted but we would prefer the student to make a deposit directly into the college’s account rather than handing over large sums of money. Please send us a copy of the bank’s deposit slip.
Payments issuing from foreign countries can be made via bank draft or, preferably, a telegraphic transfer (TT) – as this is a safer option. Please include the cost of the bank service fees for drafts and TT’s.
Please notify BISA of incoming payments that are to be credited to your student account so that we can allocate your payment correctly – particularly if it is an electronic transfer. Use your student name as a reference
BISA banking details:
Standard Bank Ltd, Fish Hoek Branch
Account name: Bible Institute of SA
Account no.: 072125640
Branch code: 036009
Swift address: SBZAZAJJ
PLEASE NOTE: This payment plan option includes R250.00 per semester added to your student account (this will cover any interest as no interest to be charged each month)
First semester – January to June
Payment of 25% of your course fees will be due on registration day in January followed by three subsequent payments of 25% of course fees at the end of February, March and April. This is a total of four payments for the first semester
Second semester – July to November
Payment of 25% of your course fees will be due on registration day in July followed by three subsequent payments of 25% of course fees at the end of August, September and October. This is a total of four payments for the second semester.
If, after the final day of February (first semester) and the final day in August (second semester) 50% of the student’s fees have not been paid for that semester, the student will be withdrawn from BISA Online and will not be allowed to attend class. Once the account has been settled they may return to class and their BISA Online account will be reactivated.
Students who are non-compliant with the payment plan will not be allowed to write their final exams and will receive a fail for the course.
Students living on campus will need to vacate their rooms if course fees are not paid on time.
Withdrawal and Refund
Please note that if you withdraw after the second week of classes you are still liable for all outstanding fees however a percentage refund before the 2nd week is applicable. Students may apply to the BISA Administrator for a refund of tuition fees for courses from which the student has withdrawn. Please note that administration and registration fees are non-refundable.
If notification is given prior to the first day of the semester a 100% course tuition refund applies.
If notification is given within the first week of the semester a 75% course tuition refund applies.
If notification is given within the second week of the semester a 50% course tuition refund applies.
No fees will be refunded beyond the second week of the semester.
You will be asked, on enrolment at BISA to indicate which option you are selecting:
- I will pay 100% of my course fees (per semester) up front on registration day
- I would like to make use of the payment plan option
You will be requested to sign a payment plan form indicating ‘I am accepting the terms and conditions and understand that if I default I will be withdrawn from my studies and receive a fail for the course’.
Click here to download the document with the 2024 fees summarised.
- College Fees encompass all amounts owing to the Bible Institute of SA by a student, their parent or sponsor.
- Fees are payable on receipt of invoice.
- The first semester runs from January to June. The second semester runs from July to November. Entry to a semester will be refused if the student has any outstanding debt from a previous semester.
- Students who reside on campus will be billed for accommodation. They are required to pay a refundable deposit (conditions apply), plus a minimum of 25% of the semester’s accommodation fee on or before taking room occupation.
- Please notify BISA of incoming payments that are to be credited to your student account so that we can allocate your payment correctly – particularly if it is an electronic transfer. Use your student name as a reference
Please note that BISA FEES are significantly subsidised.
Application fee: BTh and Gap Year
BTh per credit hour
30 credit hrs x R1,730.00 = R51,900.00 p/a
This number of credit hours is an estimated guideline and may vary slightly
R51,900.00 per annum
GAP YEAR per credit hour
20 credit hrs x R1,730.00 = R34,600.00 p/a
This number of credit hours is an estimated guideline and may vary slightly
R34,600.00 per annum
INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS from first-world countries
These students pay double tuition rate. The residential fees remain the same as below.
Residence: (per person, single room)
50 240.00 per annum
Room deposit (refundable if room left in good condition)
WiFi connection (once off)
Evening class Pensioner Audit rate per semester
Evening class Non Pensioner Audit rate per semester
Inter-Semester: Engaging with Muslims: Pensioners per course
Inter-Semester: Engaging with Muslims: Non Pensioners per course
Inter-Semester: Counselling: Pensioners per course
Inter-Semester: Counselling: Non-Pensioners per course
updated 13/12/2022
Refund of Fees
Students may apply to the BISA Administrator for a refund of tuition fees for courses from which the student has withdrawn. Please note that administration and registration fees are non-refundable.
If notification is given prior to the first day of the semester a 100% course tuition refund applies.
If notification is given within the first week of the semester a 75% course tuition refund applies.
If notification is given within the second week of the semester a 50% course tuition refund applies.
No fees will be refunded beyond the second week of the semester.
Click here to download a document with the 2024 DLP fees calculated per subject.
How much will I pay for each course and why are some more expensive?
There are different types of courses in the BTh distance learning programme and each course is graded according to its content, which may be heavy or light. Each course is designated as a one, two, three or four credit-hour course.
course of 1-credit-hour R1385.00:
course of 2-credit-hours R2770.00
course of 3-credit-hours R4155.00
course of 4-credit-hours R5540.00
What will be my total cost per year?
Students are charged per course they take and thus the total cost will depend on the number and type of courses taken per year.
Is there a payment plan?
BISA offers a payment plan for the Distance Learner. PLEASE NOTE: there is a R250.00 per semester charge for use of the payment plan facility as no interest is charged.
First semester – January to June
R250.00 to be paid on registration day. 25% must be paid at the end of each month thereafter. For the 1st semester payments to be made end of February, March, April and May.
Second semester – July to Oct
R250.00 to be paid on registration day. 25% must be paid at the end of each month thereafter. For the 2nd semester payments to be made at the end of July, August, September and October.
If after the 2nd month of the semester 25% has not been paid the student will be withdrawn form BISA Online and will only be able to continue once their fees have been brought up to date.
If fees are not up to date at the end of the 4th month students will not be allowed to write their exams and will receive a fail for the course.
Students are still liable for outstanding fees if they do not complete the course.
100% Of course fees can be paid on registration day at the start of each semester.
Refund of Fees
Students may apply to the BISA Administrator for a refund of tuition fees for courses from which the student has withdrawn. Please note that administration and registration fees are non-refundable.
If notification is given prior to the first day of the semester a 100% course tuition refund applies.
If notification is given within the first week of the semester a 75% course tuition refund applies.
If notification is given within the second week of the semester a 50% course tuition refund applies.
No fees will be refunded beyond the second week of the semester.
updated 13/12/2022
CLP Fees
CLP 2023 : R610 per term x 4 terms
2,440.00 per annum
updated 13/12/2021
Students from first world countries such as North America, Europe, Australia, New Zealand and the Far East will pay tuition fees at 200% i.e. 2 to 1 of ZAR-rate.
Even taking this into consideration, a BTh degree from the Bible Institute of South Africa will cost considerably less than studying in USA, UK, Anzac or Europe, and has the advantage of cross-cultural exposure as well as hands-on ministry opportunities in an African context
Please note that BISA FEES are significantly subsidised. Also note that the full payment of fees at the beginning of the academic year attracts a five percent discount.
Students will need to notify BISA of incoming payments that are to be credited to their student account so that we can allocate payment correctly – this applies especially to electronic transfers. Use your student name as a reference.
]The fee per credit hour with a ministry discount applied: R1300
The fee per credit hour with a ministry discount applied: R2600 [NB 1st World countries only